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a day in the life of the mohawk
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video audio
(mckinley) motor vessel petromia, motor vessel petromia, this is u.s. coast guard vessel, u.s. coast guard vessel on channel 1-6, 1-6. over.
(mckinley) sailing vessel, sailing vessel on a north-westerly heading, this is u.s. coast guard vessel, u.s. coast guard vessel two miles off your port quarter on channel 1-6. over.
(rice) this vessel was located by our search aircraft. we have a helo and a fixed wing that are doing searches in this area. they report back to us what they find.
(mckinley) they pass what is called an alpha report, which is a basic description of the vessel -- the vessel's name, length, antenna configuration, hull color and other information. we put that information into our data base to see if we have any law enforcement interest in the contact.

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